We called, and you answered. Here are the parting words of your dear, beloved professors, some of whom you have probably already forgotten / repressed / never met because you didn’t go to class. Read them and feel some sort of hope for your finals; feel free to leave your own in the comments and we’ll add them in.
Jose Moya, A Global History of Anarchism: “Anarchists have always been like shrimps, swimming against the stream.”
Eric Blanchard, International Politics: “What possible hope could we have after learning all we have about IR this semester? Well, I have the answer. It’s you.” We’re eternally lost in his baby blues.
Brian Boyd, Archaeology Before the Bible: “For the past two years on this date we had class outside. Whichever god there really is, they’re not with us today.”
Jose Moya, A Global History of Anarchism: After learning that Spectator will no longer be in print: “I guess I’ll have to go online for my sudoku.” Also he pronounces it as the “Expectator.”
Brian Boyd, Archaeology Before the Bible: “Well, I hope you got something out of that!” Referring to whole semester.
Adam Kosto, Contemporary Civilization: “A lot of the authors we’ve been reading about we could characterize as upper-class twits.”
Anne Higonnet, Introduction to Art History II: “I’m not so sure what art is. It’s maybe a line between body and soul, between matter and spirit, a very fine edge between those two. Century after century, people somehow manage to find that edge, and art happens, even though and around the world, from place to place, circumstances differ very radically, but somehow people find that edge between body and the soul and make it visible. Change, far from preventing art, seems to elicit art.”
Jae Woo Lee, Advanced Programming: “You were here, swimming in the Java. You followed the river and found the C.”
- Programming can be fun, we swear.
Jae Woo Lee, Advanced Programming: “I cannot legally make you take down your code, but I can legally change your grade.”
Christian Rojas, Barnard, Organic Chemistry: He just played the ukulele and sang in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
- Melt our hearts more.
Little girl with hope and dreams not yet crushed via ShutterStock
@follow the jae and you will find the C
@Anonymous Rojas fantastically sang us a song for cinco de mayo and then when asked for an encore he (conveniently) had lyrics to another song on hand. and then he teared up. <3
@the diana jose moya is perfect