The essence of classy

The essence of classy: fashion animals who are really animals wearing bow-ties with their dresses.

Hong Kong protestors are proving to be as effective as they are polite, establishing new precedent for classy civil disobedience. (Slate)

Our own fair city, cultural capital that it is, has a number of especially exciting events in the classy world of dance over the coming months. The Huffington Post says that number is 14.

In a classy gesture, Facebook has apologized for its policy on ‘real names’ after meeting with members of the LGBT community and has promised to implement new mechanisms to authenticate those who would choose not to use their legal name on the site. (The Guardian)

Putting $40 million to work building audiences for both traditional and innovative performance, the Wallace Foundation is one classy philanthropy. (The New York Times)

Finally, in class multiplied, the ever classy Vogue magazine featured only the classiest of college campuses in their Ivy League sweater preview.

This spot on interpretation of classiness brought to you by Shutterstock