
Gotta keep the admissions student-teacher ratio alive

Spring registration season is upon us, which is only the beginning of you spending more time stalking unknown professors on CULPA than stalking your best friends on Facebook. And we applaud you for your valiant efforts to attempt to handpick a perfect batch of professors, but remember your Courses by ADI will only look cool if your classes have cool titles. Because Bwog’s always got your academic back, here is the Spring 2015 list of classes to take before you die (because we sense that’s not how you’re already approaching selection of your classes). Additional suggestions? Refer to the comments section. 

English: Yeats, Eliot, Auden. Edward Mendelson.

Sociology: Music, Race, and Identity. Jonathan Rieder.

Anthropology: Women and Gender Politics in the Muslim World. Nadia Guessous.

Comparative Literature: Medieval Women’s Texts. Emma B O’Loughlin.

Political Science: First Amendment Values. Paula Franzese.

History: Poisoned Worlds: Corporate Behavior and Public Health. David Rosner.

Psychology: Inheritance. Frances Champagne.

Dance: Pilates for Dancers. Mary Carpenter.

Economics: Principles of Economics. Sunil Gulati.

Comparative Literature: Magical, Carnival, Sacrament, Theatre: European Drama Renaissance to 1700. Julie Peters.

Latin: Marital. Kristina Milnor.

Political Science: Gender and International Relations. Eric Blanchard.

Urban Studies: Community Building. Liz Abzug.

History: Making Barnard History. Robert McCaughey.

Philosophy: Persons. Carl Rovane.

Economics: Economics and Philosophy. Brendan O’Flaherty & Philip Kitcher.

English: Grid, Fold, Crystal: Poetic Modeling. Michael Golston.

Film: American Television Drama. Christina Kalogeropoulou.

*Interactive* learning via Shutterstock