

Upon hearing news that the Mel’s bouncer known solely by the name “Magic” has been fired by the Morningside Heights burger bar after students filed complaints against him regarding sexual harassment, students hope his replacement will balance personal respect with ID leniency. (Spec)

When crashing sounds that were louder than lightbulbs falling off shelves filled a Home Depot in the Flatiron District a few days ago, customers and employees alike soon found the cause of the commotion to actually be quite dark. Recently fired employee Calvin Esdaile Jr. shot and killed his supervisor before shooting and killing himself in the W. 23rd Street store on Sunday. (NY Daily News)

A high school teacher in Indiana is suing his school district after he claimed that he was fired for being an atheist. The superintendent of the school district replied to the lawsuit file, claiming that the teacher was not fired for being an atheist, but rather for simply being bad at his job and for also not believing in the father/the son/the Holy Ghost in rural Indiana. (Elkhart Truth)

Kelvin Cochran, the former Atlanta fire chief who was fired following the controversial publication of his book Who Told You That You Were Naked earlier this month, also filed a lawsuit this past week in response to his professional dismissal. In his book, Cochran compares homosexuality to bestiality– a major faux pas, as Atlanta is home to the largest population of gays and lesbians in the South. (LA Times)

Not Magic the Bouncer via Shutterstock