What a bathroom

What a bathroom

When you gotta go, you gotta go — but you wanna go to the best option possible. Momma Bwog’s gotcha covered in these universal times of need, so be sure to keep checking back this week on what’s what in bathrooms around campus. We bring you our first bathroom of the series, the men’s bathroom in the Fayerweather Basement.

Privacy (is this a poop or pee bathroom?)

Great for pooping, less so for (urinal) peeing. Heavy wooden doors without meaningful cracks ensure privacy for stall-goers, but the urinals are close to each other and lack dividers — not for those with shy bladders.

The View (windows? Scribbles on the walls?)

Good aesthetic inside, but positioned in the basement so don’t expect a view or much light. Definitely a relaxed vibe.

Convenience (is it easy to find or out of your way?)

Unless you’re an urban studies grad student, probably not super convenient.

Traffic (are there a lot of people using it?)

Since it’s out of the way, the traffic is usually light. Even between classes, there is usually at least one stall open.


Reasonably clean. The toilet seats don’t usually have much pee on them, so that’s a treat.

Overall ranking (1-5 stars)

4 stars. Hard to beat for dropping a deuce, but try to find something else if you’re wed to the idea of a private urinal.