Who even knows how to pronounce Schermerhorn? Is it SHer-mer-horn or SKer-mer-horn? Regardless of the name, Bwog takes you to the Men’s restroom on the 6th floor.
Privacy (is this a poop or pee bathroom?)
This one is most definitely a pooper. The stalls are a comfortable size but don’t have those cracks in the door that people uncomfortably watch you through while they wash their hands. If you get pee shy at urinals, but are too much of a man to pee in a stall, this place is definitely not for you. There are no dividers, I repeat, no dividers between the urinals, allowing for total penile perception of your grad student FroSci instructor adjacent to you.
The view (windows? scribbles on the walls?)
There are no windows. However, there is a lovely mirror on the wall opposite the stalls next to the urinals, so that when you’re trying to avoid eye contact with the guy peeing to the right of you, there’s a beautiful view of yourself waiting to surprise you to the left.
Convenience (is it easy to find, or out of your way?)
It’s a little inconvenient if you take the stairs, however it’s a quick 1-floor elevator ride away from Gulati’s Principles lecture in 501.
Traffic (are there a lot of people using it?)
We have only ever seen another person in this restroom once, which is probably due to the fact that the door to inside looks like it leads to a broom closet.
Not bad. A paper towel or two on the floor with somewhat dirty mirrors. It could/should be cleaner for how few people use it, though.
Overall ranking (1-5 stars)
4.5 stars. A very good option.
- No dividers, no penile privacy…
- V private stall though!
@Anonymous 1) “too much of a man to pee in a stall”. I just came from a svr session about this. please don’t use this kind of language.
2) why are you taking the elevator one floor?
3) this bathroom is super busy before and after my scherm classes
4) please do Lerner
@Anonymous this comment is 100% accurate 10/10 A+