Aw, we're all in this together

Aw, we’re all in this together

Novak Djokovic, who took the US Open title last night instead of Roger Federer. Though a tough match, it’s not nearly as dramatic as the sister-sister match we saw earlier. (NY Times)

Fatherhood, as people are actually debating the positive (or potentially) negative effect of Mark Zuckerberg becoming a father will have on his company’s productivity. We expect mediocre “cool dad” memes with pictures of Zuckerberg and baby Zuckerberg flooding our newsfeeds, if anything. (Omaha World-Herald)

Your password for your first email address, which probably has stark similarity to the creative love-seekers on Ashley Madison. Give your pubescent self a pat on the back for being likeminded with online adulterers. (NDTV)

The state of Georgia, for Miss Georgia has just won her title as Miss America 2016. Why do car companies and beauty pageants release their winning models during a non-corresponding year every time? (USA Today)

Life is not a group effort via Shutterstock