Meet the newest member of the Bwog family: PizzaRat!

Meet the newest member of the Bwog family: PizzaRat!

What’s worth more than a drug that could help thousands of people survive a life-threatening parasitic infection? Money ($$$), at least according to sketchy former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli.  (New York Times)

“What A Time To Be Alive” indeed… Future and Drake just dropped a mixtape and it is fire. One appreciative fan recommends listening to “Diamonds Dancing,” saying “it’s the most beautiful song of the year… weightless and rampant with male insecurity.” Sounds like a JAM. (Time)

In what we at Bwog consider the most important and relevant news of the week (nay, year), a video of a rat toting a pizza slice considerably bigger than its body around a New York subway station went viral. Bwog <3 PizzaRat. (CNET)

The Republican party seems to be… having some issues this election season (cough Donald Trump cough). Apparently Scott Walker realized this and promptly jumped ship, saying that he was “called to lead by helping clear the field.” Good game, Scott. (New York Times)

Rat holding a laptop via Shutterstock