When the Columbia social scene gets tough, look to the escape tactics of these found first-years: retreat to glass-filled local establishments so that people know you’re out, but that you’re above whatever is happening in Mel’s. And make sure you bring snacks! But more about Mel’s below, and we want to hear more about your next weekend at tips@bwog.com.
Hidden gems:
- “Someone just got arrested at Mel’s. He broke a bottle of beer on someone’s head (on purpose). There was blood.”
- “First senior night was this Thursday and I got a free chocolate cake!!! (it was abandoned and half eaten in a Morton bag).”
- “Got super freaked out by the fetus bulletin board while high on Saturday.”
- “Went home to attend holiday services and to get an umbrella. Forgot the umbrella.”
- “Cuddled up with Werner Herzog. Tried to read for fun, got bored, picked up a textbook instead.”
- “Showed up for my P.E. class early Friday morning to find that they don’t meet until next week. My quickly scarfed down breakfast was for naught.”
- “Escaped the city for a mere 14 hours and irresponsibly spent $80+ to do so.”
- “Got a haircut, worked out in Harlem, went tanning, ate HamDel for the first time ever (was disappointed).”
Spotted at Chase:
- They must be Chase members to get in
- This table is so much better than lingering in the Carman lobby