Some of you may be familiar with the website Texts From Last Night (TFLN), where users submit screenshots of texts they sent during nights out. After looking at some of our embarrassing screenshots, we realized that a lot of our texts could have easily been submissions from the website, despite the fact that they were sent during the day. Here are some of our most ridiculous messages:

Old Bwogger to new Bwogger: the first exchange between our current EIC and a new member who hadn’t yet saved his contact information.

Wrong person to a Bwog member: This was an exchange between someone on their way to a Drinking With Bwog party (DWB) and a Doctors Without Borders meeting (also DWB).

Current Bwogger to a current Bwogger: we’re not always late to our meetings, but when we are it’s for a good reason.
Down in the DMs via Twitter
@Anonymous wheres the new cuss video
@Shmuel just waiting for the pulitzer on this one
@doctors without borders is MSF, not DWB
@this is garbage
@N/A Don’t use the royal we, personally I find them delightful
@ok bwog whatever
@lol okay yeah because a commenter without a columbia ip is definitely a bwog sock puppet yep you right
@who cares bwog sucks get over yourself and read some real news
@Anonymous we don’t think your inside jokes are funny