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Posts Tagged with "acronyms"

A Baby Bwogger’s guide to the Columbia alphabet.

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Some of you may be familiar with the website Texts From Last Night (TFLN), where users submit screenshots of texts they sent during nights out. After looking at some of our embarrassing screenshots, we realized that a lot of our texts could have easily been submissions from the website, despite the fact that they were […]

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CU, Abbrevs.

Pay attention, freshpeople! Soon you’ll be thrust into a world where it seems like everyone speaks in TLA’s. Have no fear though—Bwog’s always posted this little guide to Columbia acronyms and initialisms, and we’ve updated the list for this year. The shrewd freshperson will write these on flashcards and memorize them all before arriving on […]

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This morning, SGA released a position on last month’s drama involving SJP and the Barnard administration. In case you’ve been living under a rock, the long and short of it is that SJP asked permission for and hung a banner promoting End Israeli Apartheid Week, which the administration then promptly removed. The administration said that […]

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As part of the ongoing efforts to alleviate the impact of moving the GS Class Day a day earlier, the other three undergraduate student councils have pledged some money ($2,012: what a random amount!) toward funding a reception for GS seniors on May 14th, the originally planned date of the ceremony. Solidarity! According to sources, […]

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Bright young things: in the next few weeks you will be introduced to a dizzying array of organizations, acronyms, slang, and food trucks. Bwog knows it can be difficult to keep track, so to ease your bureaucracy-induced agitation is Bwog’s CCSC correspondent Brian Wagner, here to untangle the web that is Columbia’s undergraduate student government. […]

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Yesterday, the new ABC executive board was elected! The ABC funds (non-political, -spiritual, or -activist) student groups on campus. It’s the opposite of SGB. Winners are below. Congratulations! Start groveling for money folks. President: Daniel Brown, CC ’12 VP: John O’Shea, CC ’13 Treasurer: Chloe Ruan, SEAS ’13 Secretary: Christine Byun, CC ’14

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Print journalism enthusiasts Claire Sabel and Carolyn Ruvkun scored invites to CSAAD, Columbia Spectator’s Annual Awards Dinner, held this year at the Columbia Club in midtown. Speccies schmoozed, Arianna Huffington charmed, and hobnobbing ensued. “Journalism is not a spectator sport,” declared Arianna Huffington. It was an unfortunate choice of words, since the media mogul was […]

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No Room For You

Despite complaints from CU-EMS about their current space (too small, too noisy, too co-ed), ABC voted not to recommend CU-EMS’ move from its current location in the basement of Carman to Broadway 103. The complete email from ABC follows: At its meeting on November 17, 2010, ABC voted not to recommend CU-EMS’ move from its current […]

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There’s been lots of talk about Barnard and Greek Life recently. We’re kind of confused, so we figured you would be, too. Basically, SGA is trying to figure out whether SGA/the Barnard administration should formally recognize (and therefore fund) the umbrella organizations that oversee the sororities, as well as the sororities themselves. We checked in […]

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Columbia already has too many damn acronyms, nicknames, and portmanteaus, but people just love coming up with more. This time, we’ve compiled a little list of classes out there that have been commonly referred to not by their actual course names, but by some other metonym. We like these, and it would do humanity a […]

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If you thought backronyms were only something that happened in Washington, think again. The office known as Lerner Hall is now offering called “S.A.V.E.”–the Student Audio and Visual Equipment program. S.A.V.E. will offer training in multimedia support and, according to a flier entitled “S.A.V.E. YOURSELF $$$”, will allow recognized student groups the opportunity to “S.A.V.E. […]

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In CC taking UW in IAB after NSOP and COBOP? NP! Alright freshpeople, we know you’ve just been thrust into a world where 3/4 of the rest of the population seems to speak in just letters. Here’s a quick little guide to campus acronyms and initialisms we’ve put together to help you out: The Schools […]

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Spice Up Your Night

There are spicy treats aplenty currently being served in room 555 in Lerner. Known treats include wasabi guacamole & chips, Japanese curry (kare), mapo tofu, jjol myun, Sambal ikan bilis, coconut milk with tapioca, Thai green curry, and goi ga. Oh and it’s fancy! Members of participating groups (CSC, SEAL, AAA, KSA, CJS, SSA, SIU, […]

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