Up next on the housing review lineup is 600—the Blossom of the 600s-Powerpuff-Girls-Trio we all wish existed. With more opportunities for natural light and historically fewer roaches than the other two, 600 has all of the positivity and leadership you are looking for in your future residence.
Location: 600 West 116th Street, corner building on Broadway and 116th.
Nearby dorms: 616, 620, Schapiro, the Barnard Quad, Furnald.
Nearby restaurants: Burnt down noodle shop, unreliable sushi establishment, everyone’s favorite Halal cart.
Cost: To be determined.
- Bathrooms: One shower, one sink, one toilet for each of the suites.
- AC/Heating: No AC in the summer, unforgiving heater in the winter. Your window will stay cracked November-March.
- Kitchen/Lounge: Each suite has a kitchen with a sink, gas stove/oven, and refrigerator. Decent counter space depending on the suite. Decent common space depending on the suite. Quality lounge on the second floor.
- Laundry: On the second floor
- Computers/Printers: Computer lab next door in 616
- Gym: No formal gym, but the stairs you will take when you give up on the slow-ass elevator are a fair alternative.
- Wi-Fi: Yes.
- Hardwood/Carpet: Hardwood
Room variety:
- Suites are mostly large doubles. Unless you’re an RA, you’ll need a juicy lottery number to get a single here.
- Too nice for rising sophomores, too shitty for rising seniors. A practical option for rising juniors.
Bwog recommendation:
- Really close to campus, but unless you live below the sixth floor, don’t count on its proximity to save you time getting to class. The elevator is so slow, you may as well be coming from Plimpton
- You are steps away from a world class halal man
- The subway is really close so you can jump on the 1
- Morton Williams is also really close; smell of a limited selection and overpricing may creep into
- Broadway-facing rooms during warm months.
Resident opinions:
- “If this dorm were a person it would be Danny Devito.”
- “It feels more like an apartment than a dorm, which makes me feel grown, mature, independent, ect.”
- “Sometimes the pipes make weird noises.”
- feel fancy with granite countertops
- selfie-able mirror
- common space. good space for tables, shelves, exotic dance poles, ect.
- long hallway
- shower with a floor not a tub. toilet with a seat.
- nice detailed carving in the walls. its the little things.