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Posts Tagged with "Housing Reviews 2016"

Named after one of our favorite founding fathers, John Jay is next on our freshpeople housing lineup. While this building is known for its dining halls (John Jay & its greasy younger brother, JJ’s place), there are other qualities that make it a desirable residence hall. Location: 511 W. 114th Street, New York, NY 10027 […]

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Are you a classy group of seniors too good for EC? Then Hogan is the right dorm for you. Situated at the corner of happy and healthy, Hogan resides behind Carman along 114th, with easy access to Bernheim and Mel’s, or the subway, if you’re a downtown kind of girl. Location: 566 W. 114th St. (shares an […]

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In our final installation of Barnard Housing Reviews we present one of the more *unique* dorms: 601 West 110th Street (it’s 110). This dorm can be a bit of a gamble, but you might get lucky. Read on to find out just what makes 110 so special.  Location: 601 W 110th St (Between Broadway and […]

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Housing reviews continue with this redheaded stepdaughter of Columbia housing: Carlton Arms. Where is it? Who knows. Who lives there? No clue. Is it a solid place to live? That’s where we come in. So just sit back, relax, and embrace Carlton Arms. Location: 362 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Carlton is so remote it isn’t […]

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Although it has yet to be featured on a NYC Prime Real Estate TV show, Schapiro is a quality dorm with enviable features. Residents can expect a lot of bang for their buck, especially in the common areas.  Location: 605-615 W 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: The UPS Store, the 115th […]

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Housing is all about making major decisions, and Barnard seniors are likely trying to figure out whether they want convenience or comfort. If you’re looking at the latter, we bring our review for the beloved Cathedral Gardens. Location: 217 Manhattan Ave Nearby dorms: None. Unless you consider two avenues away “nearby,” you’re all out there […]

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Up next on the housing review lineup is 600—the Blossom of the 600s-Powerpuff-Girls-Trio we all wish existed. With more opportunities for natural light and historically fewer roaches than the other two, 600 has all of the positivity and leadership you are looking for in your future residence. Location: 600 West 116th Street, corner building on […]

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Trying to figure out where to live next year? Does your lottery number got you feeling down? If so, we have the perfect series for you. Enjoy one of many updated housing reviews with our review of Harmony. Location: 544 W. 110th Street. Most remote of all the CC/SEAS dorms Nearby dorms: No. Stores and restaurants: Westside! […]

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