We reviewed Sulz and Brooks, but those two dorms aren’t quite enough to house all the Barnard first-years – pushed in between them is Reid, a tiny dorm with surprisingly big rooms. (And, less surprisingly, no AC.)
Location: 3009 Broadway (The Quad).
Nearby dorms: Sulz, Brooks, Hewitt, the 600’s.
Stores and restaurants: MoWillies, 116th halal cart, Vine, M2M, Starbucks, Sweetgreen.
Cost: $9,230
- Bathrooms: A gender-neutral or women’s-only restroom for each floor (decided by residents). Cleaned daily. Sulz residents on the Sulz-Reid will likely also use your bathroom, leading to the occasional shower line.
- AC/Heating: No AC. Some heating. Basically, get ready to sweat during the warmer months.
- Kitchen/Lounge: One on every floor of the quad, a short walk (to Sulz) away. Features a stove, an oven, a sink, and a microwave, all of which get very disgusting very quickly. There are a couple of couches and tables as well – beware of mystery stains/sticky areas. TV, with an HDMI cable for your movie-watching needs. A nice hangout spot, despite the questionable smells.
- Laundry: Each floor has a small laundry room between Reid and Brooks (one washer, two dryers) and a larger one in Sulz (two washers, two dryers – or more, if you’re on the eighth floor.) The machines take laundry cards, which can be refilled (with cash) at machines on the first floor.
- Computers/printers: Same as the rest of the quad – two computer labs in the basement, with two printers (usually functional, but be wary of low paper warnings.)
- Intra-transportation: Two elevators in lobby. Slower and smaller than the Sulz elevators, but every floor has signs showing which floor the elevator is currently on, which is a plus.
- Hardwood/carpet: Carpet in hallways, grey linoleum in rooms, tile in bathroom. Same as the rest of the quad.
WiFi: Yeah, but beware of Barnard Secure – it’s liable to cut out in the middle of your Netflix session. - Bonus: Easy access to the basement practice rooms (and vending machines!) as well as Brooks Lounge (on the first floor); water bottle filling machines; houses Well Woman and a lounge named after Zora Neale Hurston (the room itself isn’t particularly special, but what a cool lady, am I right?)
Room variety:
- It’s all doubles! Corridor-style, and of slightly varying sizes (ranging from 15′ by 12’6″ to 15′ by 13″6′.)
Bwog recommendations:
- Reid is the smallest dorm in the quad, and is often overlooked because it doesn’t have the historical pride of Brooks or the AC of Sulz, but it does have a few perks. The rooms are big, and you get both extra storage and extra floor space.
- The lack of AC is annoying, but it’s only a real issue for a few weeks at the beginning of the year – once you get through that, you’ll be fine. (Just bring a fan and take advantage of friends who live in Sulz. Especially those in the Sulz-Reid halls.)
- Remember that the whole quad has easy access to the same rooms and resources, and take advantage of them.
Resident opinions:
- “The rooms are bigger and the built-in closets are the best – so much closet space!”
- “It’s hotter than a car baking out in the sun in July, so you have to bring a fan. Leave your door open for circulation.”
- “The first three or four weeks we just sweat.”
- “Basically it’s the dorm that lacks the aesthetic of Brooks but doesn’t have the perks of Sulz to make up for it.”
- Look at all these drawers!
- Not only do you get a full closet, you get a cabinet on top of it
- Your typical bathroom
- Shower (not pictured: the hair in the drain)
- A mini laundry room
- Window at the end of the hall – the ledge is a nice place to sit and read
1 Comment
@Anonymous it’s “Blob”, not “bwog”