Hey, you haven’t done your course evaluations yet. We reminded you about three hours ago, but you must not have seen it…right? You didn’t see that reminder, did you? Yeah, of course—what are we saying! You’re still at 1020, enjoying a second night off during Reading Week. That’s why we just want to remind you again to fill out your course evaluations. Just put some thoughtful sentences in response, help your professor out, and see your grades earlier. Not hard, yeah?
The deadline’s coming up, and, honestly, it’s just rude to not give your professor feedback. But we know you’ll have them in within the next couple of hours. We’ve been around for awhile, and we think we know the Columbia student body enough to definitively say you’ll complete them shortly. We don’t want to be annoying with these reminders, so prove us right!
“I loved their teaching style as much as this wine” via Otto Seitz / Public Domain