Welcome to your first full day of NSOP! While the heavy-lifting (literally) of moving in is over for many of you, the more local students still have to haul shit into their rooms. Either way, there is more awkward social interaction to come! (The socializing is worth it if it gives you access to free alcohol later tonight.) Be sure to send the weird/exciting things you see/do to tips@bwog.com for a chance to be featured/mocked on our website.
Today’s Highlights:
- Convocation, 2:30-4:00pm, Low Plaza. All 1,500 of you first years will gather under a tent on Low Plaza to awkwardly sit and sweat with your parents and new classmates. Random “student leaders” will give meaningless speeches, and Dean Valentini will deliver the same “Pantone 292” joke as he does every year.
- Cookout Dinner, 5:30-7:00pm, Van Am Quad. This is the best food you’re going to get all week. In past years, all NSOP food has been served outside, but this year you have to eat in the actual dining halls for most of the week. Relish the semi-decent seafood and yummy frozen desserts while you can.
- Class Act, 7:00-8:30pm, Roone. We are curious to see what “many traditions” Columbia claims we have–all the “traditions” that we’re familiar with revolve around the stress of finals! Anyway, we’d love if some of you first years could report back to us with your findings.
One Thing To Do Before Graduating: Get your ass to Brooklyn (or just Lower Manhattan). Use your abundance of free time before classes start to explore the city.
From The Archives: Here are our first Field Notes from last fall. If you’re already tired of Carman parties, you can use our weekly Field Notes series as nightlife guidance. Try not to get CAVA’d this week!
@Anonymous What is the pantone 292 joke??
@Anonymous Bwog please stop all the juvenile negativity.