Baldwin is a better Trump than Trump
Alec Baldwin, who has perfected Donald Trump’s signature look and speech in his SNL parodies, comes clean on who he will vote for this upcoming election- Charlie Brown. Although a longtime Democratic party supporter, Baldwin revealed Brown is the one person whom he can truly support as he’s the one with similar wishes and a persevering attitude this time around. (Huffington Post)
SNL is not afraid to illustrate who they don’t like this election season as they rewrote Beyonce’s “Sorry” to fit Melania Trump and the other women in Trump’s life. Blasting through sexual assault allegations and Trump’s political blunders, the SNL women sang a new tune for the Democratic anthem. (Rolling Stone)
Lil Jon has reported Trump called him “Uncle Tom” during his time of Trump’s former show, “The Celebrity Apprentice”. The reports claim Trump referred to Lil Jon as “Uncle Tom” instead of “Uncle Sam” during one of the rapper’s ventures where he sported an Uncle Sam costume to bolster sales for his team. (ABC News)
The founder of Thinx, the period underwear, reveals that no major broadcaster has ever interviewed her, explaining she’s been told women’s menstruation is too taboo and “suggestive” or “offensive”. She goes on the describe how it’s clear America is not ready- or apparently mature enough- to discuss the topic. (CNN)
Image via E! News
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@Anonymous Bollinger has the same hairdo