We couldn’t agree more…
Since Halloween tragically fell on a Monday this year, Bwog took the necessary precautions this past weekend to take in as much of the spooky holiday’s spirit and spirits (the liquid kind) to keep the festivities alive and well. Check out what the ghoulish activities people were up to!
Dead yet undead:
- Stole a sign from Baker Field reading “No Alcohol Beyond This Point.” It now hangs in the Bandsuite.
- Made a mummy costume out of cheesecloth; as I fell apart throughout the night, so did my costume.
- Had a good experience in EC?
- Went to Bushwick for the day, came home, went downtown for Halloweekend, party was canceled, wound up in Bushwick AGAIN at a high school friend’s party, took a $60 uber home to MoHi using a $50/off coupon.
- Went to Butler incredibly drunk at 2 am with intention to go to roof; door locked. Instead spent time rolling around on floor outside reading room and hopping the barrier to the circulation desk/pretending to scan books.
- Accidentally bought low alcohol content wine, had a glass and a half, and got pretty tipsy anyways.
- Texted my dad (while mildly intoxicated) and told him he needs to text me more frequently.
- Bought a 6 foot long collapsable table for beer pong/drinking games and had it rush delivered to my dorm for use during Halloweekend; told my mom it was because “I needed a bigger desk”.
- Hosted a bonding party for my Lit Hum class, at which 3 people had never been to Carman Hall before and 1 person had never been drunk before (this person was messiest but slayed at pong).
- Came home from my Astronomy Lab to discover that my roommates bought a hamster.
Spirits Abound:
- Went to a crowded Halloween party in EC dressed as a sheet ghost. Needless to say, I gave up on the ghost costume about half an hour in.
- 12 hours of sleep didn’t cure my hangover, but A Cruel Angel’s Thesis did.
- Didn’t go to Rocky this year, but I learned the Time Warp dance. Proudest accomplishment to date.
- Went to a MESAAS party. The jungle juice had moroccan mint tea in it.
- Went to ADP lit night for first time, ate so much baguette and brie.
- Went to Sig Ep’s Halloween at Mission, dressed up as Phantom of the Opera, but the mask did not fit my Jew nose. Also, don’t remember a thing cause I was blackout, due to drinking on antibiotics (smart).
- Went to Amity All Uptown for a costume party dressed as Dracula. Unfortunately, my fangs were not put in right so I ended up almost choking to death on them after a few overpriced Vodka Crans. I also lost my cape and almost bit shit multiple times in this poorly constructed bar.
- Went to the Bryant Park Winter Festival and bought 4 artisan pickles for 5 dollars. They were delicious.
- Funded an impromptu wine and cheese event during our AXO mixer
E-card via drunk quotes