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Posts Tagged with "halloweekend"

Some of the anonymous messaging app’s best work from the holiday weekend.

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We want to see your fits!

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Halloweekend is drawing to a close, but Bwog is just getting started.

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To those who bought the same pair of jeans in three different washes, this is for you.

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Get ready for a whirlwind Halloweekend in the big apple with advice from upperclassmen, from East Campus party hopping to creative costume tips. Stay warm in a coat, save on costume accessories, and reconsider those pricey frat Halloween events for a memorable and budget-friendly Halloween in New York City.

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It’s October 31st and The Purge is upon us… take a look at what must go!

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According to data released by Barnard and Columbia, there was a slight increase in COVID-19 cases following the Halloween weekend.

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Halloweekend: possibly the best fucking holiday of all time. This year’s Halloween did not disappoint, and Bwog shares some of their crazy and/or embarrassing adventures to amuse you.  Bwog and Rally Got chased by a public safety officer in Butler at 3 am on Thursday when I was being drunk and obnoxious in a purple […]

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Happening in the World: 56-year-old Alain Robert, more commonly known as the French Spider-Man, scaled one of London’s tallest buildings without safety gear in a total of 40 minutes. Robert was later arrested for causing a public nuisance (NY Times). Happening in the US: Two middle school girls aged 11 and 12 from Florida are […]

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While Bwog is known for getting it on and having a wild time over the weekend, there isn’t a better weekend to go over-the-top than Halloweekend. Whether you’re attempting to recover from your weekend antics or need a good laugh, these Bwoglines are written and curated for you. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our […]

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Since Halloween tragically fell on a Monday this year, Bwog took the necessary precautions this past weekend to take in as much of the spooky holiday’s spirit and spirits (the liquid kind) to keep the festivities alive and well. Check out what the ghoulish activities people were up to! Dead yet undead: Stole a sign from Baker Field […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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