Actual photo of me checking my final exam schedule.

Actual photo of me checking my final exam schedule.

Hip hip hooray! While browsing SSOL on a Sunday afternoon, realizing that we’re all f@$!ed because we’ll never get off any of these f%#!ing waitlists, Bwog discovered a little gem. Behold: the final exam schedule.

Looks like the registrar finally decided to do their job this semester! It’s only the second week of classes and the final exam schedule is released! Now you can officially dive into a pool of existential dread months in advance!

You can find the schedule by logging on to SSOL, going to “Exam List” under the “Miscellaneous” tab, and clicking on “Projected University Exam Schedule.” There, you will find a beautiful (albeit a tad confusing) chart explaining the times for all your final exams this May. There’s even a list of exceptions at the bottom! It is truly magnificent!

So, go ahead. Sit down and mark in all your exams in your pretty little polka dot planner with your pretty little colorful pens. That is, of course, until your prof decides to go rogue in mid April and completely fuck up your entire anticipated schedule.

Happy semester!


Photo of crazy woman pointing a gun at her laptop (because same) via Dreamstime.