Happening in the World: If you thought this summer’s season of natural disasters had finally ended, you’d be sadly mistaken – a 7.1 earthquake struck central Mexico yesterday. So far, at least 149 people been killed and hundreds of buildings have been destroyed. (LA Times)

Happening in the United States: A woman dubbed “the Mad Pooper” has been spotted defecating on the sidewalk in front of a family’s home in Colorado Springs. This isn’t an isolated incident; this jogger has allegedly pooped in this spot at least once a week for the past seven weeks. (Washington Post)

Happening in NYC: Hurricane José is expected to turn towards New York City this weekend. However, by the time it reaches the city on Monday, it will most likely be weakened to a tropical storm, resulting in a couple of inches of rain and some wind at most. (NY Post)

Happening on Campus: Barnard Student Life will host the third in a series of workshops on transitioning to college life today. Today’s event, led by two Writing Fellows, focuses on college writing (specifically, the differences between academic writing in high school and college), and will take place from 6 to 8 pm in Diana LL104.

Overseen: Someone braving yesterday’s rain in… socks?

This is about as far from rain boots as you can get