Ahh, philosophy class. For those who have braved the icy lecture halls speckled with the seemingly all-knowing international students, these lec-seminars seem to bring out the most in CU students. There are plenty of things that happen all too frequently; take a shot when………….
- The professor asks for a simple example of anything and someone brings up God.
- Someone asks a completely off topic question to insert knowledge from another philosophy class; bonus points if this happens in History of Phil I or II.
- Someone misuses the term metaphysical.
- Someone proposes an extremely convoluted thought experiment that actually makes the concept even harder to understand.
- The TA shit talks the way the professor explained something in recitation (not exclusive to philosophy, but in one bwogger’s experience this happens a lot in philosophy).
- You are triggered by any reference to logic.
- You explain to your parents that it is, in fact, possible for Philosophy majors to find jobs after graduating.
I thought……….. what I thought via Innoxiuss