An Orgo Night of years past.
Since fall 2016, the marching band has been banned from holding Orgo Night, their biannual roast of all things Columbia, in its traditional location of Butler 209. Despite much back-and-forth with the administration, particularly Vice Provost and University Librarian Ann Thornton, who made the final decision to ban them, the CUMB held Orgo Night outside the next two semesters.
Last semester, however, they chose to defy the administration and perform in Butler 209, which earned all the Board members an official warning. The Board then met with more administrators and, today, Vice Provost Thornton herself. The Board just released a statement summarizing those meetings, explaining that “Vice Provost Thornton’s main concern is the sanctity of all study spaces in all libraries at all times.” The Band, on the other hand, believes that, although libraries are a place to be productive, “they also embody stress and the negative aspects of college life. Orgo Night is meant to disrupt that stress for two nights out of the year.”
When asked for comment, Head Manager Vivian Klotz said, “In one word, I’d describe the band as disappointed. But all of the people who were at the meeting have more specific issues with what happened and the unwavering views of administrators.” And as for the future of Orgo Night, “We cannot share any plans at the moment, but this is an evolving issue and we will have a more clear picture about what we will be doing for Orgo Night in the coming weeks.”
Bwog has reached out to Vice Provost Ann Thornton for comment.
“The show will always go on,” the statement stressed, but listed the location of Orgo Night as “TBD.”
Statement via Vivan Klotz, photo via Bwog Archives
@Anonymous Bring back the band!
@This will be a continuing stain on the legacies of Lee Bollinger and Jim Valentini (especially), for
1. caving to an over-protective legal staff
2. making the librarian be the scapegoat
3. ignoring and, ultimately, treating like dirt large numbers of students and alumni who get the free-expression issue here and actually do give a shit about Columbia but continue to be treated by those sad administrators like the enemy
They have insured that for years to come hundreds–thousands–of graduates will look for other institutions to support because… because think warmly about Columbia? Are you fucking kidding me?
@Barnard senior Vice Provost Ann Thornton is perpetuating toxic stress culture at Columbia. There’s no reason why students shouldn’t be able to have their studies interrupted for 1 hour a semester.
I don’t even really like the marching band (sorry) but I’m still in support because people at Columbia need to learn to chill the fuck out. How about we have some fun for once instead of wasting our lives away in Butler, and turning to drugs and alcohol when the going gets tough?
@Anonymous this is a good sentiment which i agree with except for the fact that drugs and alcohol are great
@CC 2018 there should be a referendum on the matter. i hear those are in style now
@alum I’m torn. On the one hand, Orgo Night was always a ton of fun and an event that brought everyone in the community together. On the other hand, the band’s jokes were routinely offensive and disgusting. I wonder if this was part of their reasoning for suddenly banning the event in Butler.
@Anonymous Sorry your brittle ears don’t like hearing speech you disagree with.
@f I’m not sure why it doesn’t bother you that your jokes are divisive. But do you, boo boo. College doesn’t last forever.