Onyx, one of Columbia’s finest dance troupes!

NSOP is winding down. Upperclassmen are moving in, first-years are starting to freak out about classes, and the Orientation Leaders are looking forward to cutting up their NSOP shirts. Not much going on today, but plenty of mixers (not the kind you drink at EC) to enjoy this afternoon.

Today’s Highlights:

  • JJ’s Place is open! Enjoy the most fried food Columbia has to offer from 12-8 pm today. You’ll be going here plenty during the year especially if you live in John Jay, but it’s never too early to start on JJ’s mozz sticks. (And did you know it used to be a bar?)
  • First-Generation Students and Allies MixerAnyone who identifies as a first-generation student or an ally of this group should head to Satow, in Lerner, at 1 pm. Learn about resources and programs and meet new friends!
  • Latinx Students and Allies Mixer555 Lerner Hall at 4-5 pm. Learn about resources, programs, new friends, etc.
  • Arab and Middle Eastern Students and Allies Mixer: Satow Room, Lerner Hall, 3-4 pm. See above for description.
  • Mixed Heritage Students and Allies Mixer: Whoever wrote the Guidebook description for these mixers copy-pasted them. If this sounds like you, head over to 555 Lerner Hall from 4-5 pm.
  • Office of the University Chaplain Information Session: 4-5 pm, 2nd floor ramp, Lerner Hall. Learn about what the university chaplain actually does, as well as the religious community on campus. Fun fact: the Chaplain’s Office is one of the confidential resources available on campus.
  • LGBTQ Students and Allies Mixer555 Lerner Hall, 6-7 pm. Another mixer! Say it with me: learn about resources and programs on campus and meet new friends!
  • Performance Showcase: Head to Roone Arledge Auditorium (where we’re sure you’ve been a lot this week) for performances from a wide variety of campus groups! Columbia is a pretty talented community, so enjoy.

One Thing To Do Before Graduating: Hold a soirée on the terrace behind Mudd. It’s the next best thing to being on the Mudd roof. (RIP.)

From the Archives: Once, Bwog spotted a hawk. She was beautiful. She was majestic. We live for the day that we will see her again.