black friday mob or tree lighting mob?

Bwogger Andrew Chee brings you this almost offensively-concise summary of GSSC. General Studies Student Council meets on Tuesdays at 8:15 pm in the Jed Satow Room in Lerner Hall.

You know those friends who are incredibly drama-free and super reliable? Yeah, hanging out with them is always good vibes, even though juicy drama is what we all live for in our social lives. GSSC is that friend: this week’s meeting simply brings us additional announcements of upcoming events on campus, incessant prodding to apply for open positions, and somewhat important albeit dry allocations of funds toward clubs. However, Dean Rosen-Metsch, the light in all of our lives, broke up the monotony by gassing up GS and reminding us all about why we love GS and GSSC.

Dean Rosen-Metsch dropped by GSSC for a general recap of how her term as Dean of General Studies has been unfolding for the past year, as well as major priorities and goals for the future. All around, it was all good vibes with Dean Rosen-Metsch, as she reiterated the success of recent events such as Giving Day, and further communicated her support for underserved portions of the student community, such as international students.

GSSC voted in favor of a motion for creating a dedicated space on campus for students with families. While it will be child-friendly, it will not be intended as a child daycare space. Definitely a key move for an underserved yet crucial segment of the student population.

The Joint Council Co-Sponsorships Committee (JCCC) came in to talk about funding from GS. As the JCCC allocates funds toward numerous student groups on campus, regardless of college, the council debated the number of funds to be allocated for JCCC, as GS tends to have lower turnout and presence in clubs and organizations on campus.

Upcoming events

Y’all know the drill by now:

On Thursday, November 29th at 5 pm on College Walk, the annual Tree Lighting ceremony will commence! There will be free t-shirts, giveaways, free food and drinks, and performances!

On Friday, November 30th from 1 to 3 pm in Lerner 477, there will be a Dual BA & Joint Program Student Luncheon. It will be catered by Dig Inn (unquestionably the greatest fast-casual joint around campus), so don’t forget to register!

Finals Season Snack Attacks will be in December during the weeks of the 10th to the 13th and the 17th to the 20th. More details to follow, but GSSC was kind enough to allocate additional funds toward Snack Attacks, so expect even more food than last time!

Open positions

The positions mentioned in previous GSSC summaries are still open! Go apply for them, people! The positions are:

  • Community Service & Sustainability Chair
  • External Events Chair
  • Students with Families Representative
  • Senior Class Treasurer

Be sure to reach out to student council if you are interested!

And with that, we are done! Join me next week for more upcoming events and allocations of funds! ;)

Photo via Columbia University