When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one Bwog family to dissolve the political board which has connected them with another, and to create among the powers of Bwog, the separate and equal new board to which the Laws of Nature and of past Alma Bwoggers entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare their last goodbyes before separation.

These goodbyes go to Youngweon, a soup-loving classics aficionado and a firecracker of an Editor-in-Chief, always brimming with a twinkling passion for not only Bwog as a journalistic organization, but also as a family – thank you for being such a wonderful role model and Bwog mother during our time on staff. Goodbye, as well, to Betsy, a Managing Editor-turned-EIC-turned-Managing Editor again, who would never fail to show her love through spreadsheets, emails, and meticulous Google Docs. And finally, to Sarah Kinney, you have always exuded such a positive energy and zest for life that infused Bwog meetings with spirit and life. Thank you so much for all that you have done – you have certainly made such an inexplicable impact on Bwog and you will be missed.

To the new board, Zack and Zoe, and editorial staff: Let’s riiiiide y’all – excited to see what we come up with.

Photos via Bwogger Jenny Zhu