Bwog had a pretty chill weekend, but some puked.

Bwog plans ahead: 

  • Booked a cute Airbnb in New Orleans for spring break
  • Made spring break plans at Stanford

Bwog reacts to stimuli

  • Went to MoMA and upon entering said to themselves “this looks like a really big Apple store”
  • Partied at a Princeton eating club and discovered that rich people only throw terrible parties.
  • Went to Katz Deli, paid 25 dollars for one (1) sandwich, and didn’t regret it

Bwog is mindful of school: 

  • Got drinks with a professor before the end of the semester, thereby breaking a social rule
  • Did not do half of the work they should’ve done this weekend
  • Watched the Lions lose twice in a row
  • Didn’t get drunk
  • Helped a girl drop a class before the test
  • Spent the weekend procrastinating

Worthy of mentioning: Bwog pukes (or sees someone else puke):

  • Watched someone puke into a cup in JJ’s
  • Got too drunk and puked a shit ton

Happiness via Pxhere.