Have you ever been the victim of such a problem before? Well I have and I am not happy.


Last year, when we met, you were fine and exceedingly normal. We had a whirlwind mutually beneficial relationship for an appropriate amount of time. I will admit – I did enjoy your company, but oh please don’t flatter yourself, asking me if I’d “deleted Tinder yet” isn’t cute, and what’s even more not cute was when you tried to explain that “you just wanted to ask that question before I asked it”. I have to be honest with you – the thought of asking that question has not, has never crossed my mind.

Anyways, when I entered a relationship at the end of last year, I tried to end things peacefully with you. You blocked me. It’s fine. Whatever, I’m sure it’d make things a little bit awkward when we run into each other in the quesadilla line, but again, whatever.

The next day, you unfollowed me on Instagram. Not chill, dude. No scratch that, even that’s fine. You did not even have the courtesy to block me. At least then I could maintain my follower ratio. But you know what, I broke your heart, so I guess I deserve that.

What is absolutely not, not, not okay, was how you followed me again, in a short period of two months, asking me if I’d broken up with my boyfriend, and if I have, you’d broken up with your girlfriend, and that, if I were so up for the idea, to have rebound sex.

Okay, I get it, I have the voodoo clam. But even then, bit rude after the emotional roller coaster you put me through with the whole unfollow and follow situation.

Next, I go through a few peaceful months, only, to my horror, I receive yet another follow request, in addition to a DM from you.

Okay, there’s a lot to unpack here. First of all, this means that, in those two peaceful months, you literally asked me to have sex with you, unfollowed me, and followed me yet again. After a few inane replies to my stories, you drop off the face of the earth once again.

Come this year, my relationship has ended. He was a nice, funny boy – but it was totally me and not him etc. When you see me on Bumble, you had the nerve, the bloody nerve to shoot me a DM – but knowing your nasty habit, I decided to check my follower list. Oh low and behold you are indeed NOT following me.

I have a few questions for you: first of all, why? You claim to use it as a way to get my attention, and if that truly were the case, I find myself not flattered at all. In fact I’m rather insulted. Do you only like me for my personality, and not my social media content? Do you know how much that hurts? Anyways, moving on. Second of all, what is wrong with you? Who doesn’t have an unfollower app these days? Am I really supposed to have sex with you after your DM, and just unknowingly live with the fact that you are indeed not following me on Instagram? That is just not okay and really quite deceitful. Third of all, okay let’s assume you did it out of the most normal reason out of these three: you simply didn’t care about what ’s going on in my life and decided to unfollow me to boost you ratio: to that I reply, what freaking ratio I literally have three times the followers you have.

I don’t know how you’d think this would work out but it wouldn’t. Basically, what I’m telling you is: please stop doing this. I’m asking nicely. I don’t deserve this. 

PSA gif via dazzlejunction.com