Bwogger Miyoki Walker would like a word with the people who think they can take whatever they want without facing the consequences. 

First off: I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. But also a little mad. 

Although waiting in lines at 7:45 am on less than 5 hours of sleep is SUPER FUN, I’m not actually doing it for enjoyment. I’m counting on there being a warm, golden omelet waiting for me at the end. When someone takes the omelette I’ve waited patiently for, I feel reasonably cranky. 

The first time was September 16th, a Monday morning. I stood in line, asked for 2 eggs with tomatoes, spinach, and cheese, then walked away for less than 3 minutes to get some toast. By the time I returned, it was gone. 

Honestly, this wasn’t a huge deal! People make mistakes and it was only the first offense. All would’ve been forgotten at this point, but like legendary pop duo Aly & AJ once said, “it was my birthday. My stupid birthday.” Yep. I turned 20 and had my celebratory omelet ripped out from under me. 

I’m sure you’re feeling bad now, but don’t! Not yet anyway, there’ll be more than enough time for that. That morning was ruined and I did cry alone in my room after my 4 back to back classes ended, but you were only partly responsible. 

With time, I learned to forgive. I wouldn’t let one little incident keep me from ordering omelets forever, they were too delicious. What a fool I was for believing you could change. 

To optimize my time to eat last Tuesday, I again made the mistake of walking away from my omelet to get other food. I knew it would only take me a couple of minutes and I’d come straight back, but I hadn’t counted on you being faster than I was. I came back and waited by the counter with everyone else for 10 minutes before I noticing that everyone who ordered after me was gone. I backed away slowly, realizing what happened. 

Just two days later, it happened again, this time right under my nose. I ordered, I waited, and I stayed. When I was sure my omelet was done, I saw you approach it. All of a sudden time froze and I couldn’t move. I’d been staring obsessively at that omelet, I knew it was mine. Our eyes met and you walked away. Before I could register what happened, you were already slathering avocado all over my omelet. It was devastating. I could not believe it. 

I know it probably wasn’t you the previous two times, but I can’t help but think you were conspiring with the other two people to personally ruin my life. There’s no other explanation for it. Somehow you found out that I need a stable routine to live and you sabotaged the one part of that routine I love the most. What’s your motive? Who put you up to this? Why me? 

I’ve had enough. Next time, I won’t stand there and take it, I’m going to fight for my omelet and I’m not backing down. Although if this was all an accident I apologize and please disregard everything I’ve said. 

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons