Here at Bwog, we had a weekend full of wholesomeness, fun, and food.

Bwog had fun with food:

  • Ate FROZEN WAFFLES for the first time and they were DELICIOUS even tho they were WHOLE GRAIN.
  • Made incredible chocolate chip cookies from scratch.
  • Ate a chicken parm/egg/bacon hoagie at the Princeton football game and ascended.
  • Made pumpkin gnocchi from scratch with my friends (but really they made it while I “helped”).
  • Accidentally set popcorn on fire inside of the microwave

Bwog kept it wholesome:

  • Went to Philly this weekend to visit my best friends from home!!! had fun!!!!!
  • Took a wholesome and much-needed trip off campus to the earth observatory w my friends and took a geology tour where the mean age was ~60.
  • Thought abt how much I love my friends!!!
  • Hugged my mom.
  • Had a picnic in central park with someone I hadn’t seen in more than a decade.
  • Got surprised by my best friends at 1 AM, who decked out my floor lounge with decorations/milk bar goodies/gifts. Also got surprised that same day by my sorority lineage with Levain and lots of Sephora. May or may not have teared up both times? May or may not have eaten dessert for breakfast all weekend?
  • Watched a 20-minute video slideshow my mom sent me compiling various photos of our family from her holding me when I was born to the present day. Fully wept at 8 AM.
  • Saw a French film with my mans at Metrograph downtown and kissed under the lights of little Italy.

Bwog had fun:

  • Smoked out of an apple in john jay. the next day, got tips from my RA abt not getting caught smoking in john jay.
  • Drank semi-expensive wine and ate semi-expensive cheese. felt semi-classy.
  • Chased some pigeons at 7am in front of Butler.
  • Was offered cocaine by a polite old woman on the subway.
  • Had a promoter give me a blonde girl’s real ID to try to get me into a club and ask me on a date in Staten Island.
  • Went to a 25th birthday dinner at a Hibachi restaurant and ended up at the bougie apartment of a Goldman Sachs employee

…And everything else in between:

  • Bought groceries and made myself a meal for the first time this semester. Yes, I know, it’s October.
  • Was part of a giant penis formation with the tip facing butler (and it was great).
  • Told myself I was gonna study for my midterm while watching hp and the goblet of fire, and didn’t!
  • Had my fake snapped in half by a bouncer on my 21st birthday (long story) and was rejected and then let into a club.
  • Sat on a greyhound watching 4 episodes of big mouth as the woman next to me spent the whole 2-hour trip reading The New Yorker.
  • Got a thumbs up from Hillary Clinton for skipping class.
  • Gave my money to victoria’s secret against all judgement and willpower and sense of morality.

Happy people via Max Pixel