So you’re spending fall break on campus? And you won’t be leaving your dorm until your first Wednesday class? Bwog hopes you’ll be able to reach whatever mental state necessary to recover from midterms and get through the final months of the semester. Here’s how you can fill your time (or waste it) from the comfort of your room.
Here at Bwog we’re signing off for the long weekend. We’ll be back with new content on Wednesday! We hope you have a restful break.
- Sleep for 120 hours straight
- Make a Seamless account, then set up GrubHub simultaneously just for the kicks
- Read a book recommended by Bwog book club
- Learn to code with Khan Academy
- Stock up on discount Halloween candy now that it’s November (!?!?) and attempt to consume a record number of candy corn kernels
- Build a pillow fort
- Invite your friend/hookup/SO over to hang out, but when they’re on the way text them “by the way can you pick something up at Westside for me thank you I need wine, yogurt, frozen waffles, eggs…etc” so you get company AND groceries delivered!!
Get power tools and affix everything to the ceiling instead of the floor. Strap yourself into your ceiling bed. Live upside-down for a while. Gain a new perspective.
Light some illegal candles cause no one is there to say no
- Write your memoir
- Leave your room and go literally anywhere else
- Play Jenga by yourself: fun and your roommate isn’t there to be annoyed at the noise
- Teach yourself a new skill from Youtube videos
- Sleep in reverse (put your head where your feet go and vice versa)
- Sharpen all of your pencils
- Become a chef
- Do your laundry
- Read the entirety of Bwog
- Figure out who it is who is making the entire floor smell like weed
- Tap dance because the person who lives under you isn’t there to complain
- Give transcendental meditation a shot!
- Search your name on Netflix and watch the first thing recommended to you
- Marie Kondo the shit out of your dorm room. Does your roommate not spark joy? Throw them out.
- Drink while staring out the window and thinking about every bad thing that’s ever happened in your life
- Rest and relax, my friend, you deserve it
cozy dorm via Bwog archives
@Anonymous It’s okay to be white.
@Anonymous there’s this one guy who posts this on every post of this college blog, presumably so when an admin deletes it he can go “so much for the tolerant left”
@Anonymous this but it’s not ok to be white 😤😤😤