I threw this soup together on a cold day, I think; it’s been a while actually so I forgot. In any case, it’s a great hearty soup for a cold winter day.


  • some beef (chuck stew meat works)
  • daikon radish sliced into reasonably-sized pieces
  • bean sprouts
  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • 1 jalapeño chopped
  • sesame oil
  • fish sauce
  • a lot of Korean red pepper flakes


1. Heat up a bit of sesame oil in a pot and cook the beef enough to be browned on all sides.
2. Throw in the daikon slices and cook for 2-3 minutes.
3. Pour in water and bring to a boil.
4. Put in as much red pepper flakes as you want.
5. Put in the sliced onion and bean sprouts. Make sure to keep the pot lid off after the bean sprouts go in.
6. Season with fish sauce and more pepper flakes. Add the chopped jalapeño.
7. Cook until the daikon radish is fork-tender and almost translucent.
8. Serve with rice on the side. Enjoy!