If you’ve written or researched something you’re proud of, chances are Columbia has a venue to publish it. Just take a look at this range of undergraduate journals and magazines! Go ahead and submit essays to your heart’s content.

February 2nd: Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal

February 4th: Roosevelt Review, Columbia’s undergraduate, on-campus policy journal (intent-to-submit form)

February 9th: Double Exposure, Columbia’s undergraduate film journal (pitch)

February 10th: Quarto, Columbia’s official undergraduate literary magazine

February 21st: Columbia Undergraduate Law Review, Columbia’s undergraduate legal publication

February 29th: Consilience, Columbia’s Journal of Sustainable Development

Approx. Mid-Semester: The Gadfly, Columbia’s undergraduate philosophy magazine

Approx. Mid-Semester: Columbia Science Review, Columbia’s undergraduate science magazine

Approx. Mid-Semester: Columbia Political Review, Columbia’s multi-partisan undergraduate political magazine

March 31st: Inherent, Columbia’s brand new magazine for conversation about mental health

April 1st: The Columbia Review, the oldest college literary magazine in the nation

~via Bwoggie archives