This Saturday’s Bwoglines brings you peachy impeachment updates, real information on the coronavirus, and a special saxophonist event tonight!

Happening in the World: On Tuesday, agriculture minister of France Didier Guillaume announced that the country will abolish the practice of shredding live male chicks by the end of 2021. Guillaume stated that “[t]he government is committed to [the ban]…We need to find a method to move forward.” Reactions include that of Maxime Chaumet, the general secretary of the poultry trade body Comité National pour la Promotion de l’Oeuf, who argued that “[they] currently have no other method available.” Guillaume also declared that France would additionally abolish the practice of castrating young, male pigs without anesthetic (CNN).

Happening in the US: After voting on whether to include witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, Senate Republicans have voted to block witnesses yesterday. Even with the votes of Mitt Romney of Utah and Susan Collins of Maine, the 49-51 vote showed that Democrats were unable to secure the votes needed to include witnesses in the trial (NYT).

Happening in NYC: New York City has found zero cases of the dangerous coronavirus, but fear of the virus has brought misinformation, including a false report. NYPD reported that a case of the virus was found in Queens, later announcing that “[t]he information provided…was inaccurate,’’ but it was too late, as the rumor already spread through social media. 11 people have been tested for the coronavirus in New York state, and zero cases have been found to date (Gothamist).

Happening on Campus: At 8 pm today, Saxophonist Jimmy Greene and his Quintet will be playing at the Miller Theatre. Greene is considered “one of the most striking young tenors of recent years,” for his work in jazz. Contact the Miller Theatre Box Office for more information (Columbia Events).