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Posts Tagged with "Impeachment"

This Saturday’s Bwoglines brings you peachy impeachment updates, real information on the coronavirus, and a special saxophonist event tonight!

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On the morning of Lunar New Year, this edition of Bwoglines covers natural disasters, lost museum pieces, and the effects of the dangerous coronavirus.

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After attending a panel discussion, Staff Writers Solomia Dzhaman and Victoria Borlando created a guide to the developments of the recent impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

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Every Tuesday, Bwog brings you a recap of the previous night’s Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting. This week was…interesting, to say the least. Luckily, fresh Bwogger and seasoned SEAS student Krithika Kuppusamy stepped in to cover it. The ESC President, Aida Lu (SEAS ’19), has officially been removed from office, after successful impeachment during the general […]

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Every Tuesday, Bwog brings you a recap of the previous night’s Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting. Deputy Editor Jenny Zhu stepped in to report on this week’s ESC meeting, which oversaw some classic ESC hits like Eweek plans, emergency contraception updates, and (e)mpeachment of the president. President Aida Lu After her meeting with Scott Wright, Facilities’ VP […]

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Last night, in a room packed with students, General Studies Student Council voted on the GS Senator’s potential impeachment and heard from students about proposals for co-sponsorships. GSSC dove right into the addressing the proposal to impeach Ramond Curtis, Senator of GS. Although many members of GSSC were absent due to religious holiday and other various […]

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Bwog recently received information that a procedure of impeachment has been started against current GS Senator Ramond Curtis by members of General Studies Student Council. A current member of the council and candidate at the recent GSSC election condemned Ramond’s actions during the elections and subsequently filed this impeachment process. This member has declined to […]

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Things got ~dramatic~ at last night’s CCSC meeting, complete with suspenseful Jeopardy music. But, first things first, Monday marauder Joe Milholland brings you up to date on the latest resolutions for Bacchanal, which may or may not pass. Bacchanal Resolution At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) general body meeting, VP of Communications Grayson Warrick […]

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