“It’s the most! Wonderful timeeee! Of the yearrrr!”
That’s right, Cahlumbians. It’s internship application season, which means that not only do you get to write one cover letter—you get to write thousands of them.
But don’t worry—Bwog’s got you covered. We’ve provided this #convincing cover letter to show you how to write yours. And if you really want to . . . well, never mind.
- Fly with Bwog.
The Letter:
Michael Student
231 Lane
Sacramento, Georgia 01011
United Kingdom, Europe
18 Brumaire
Finance Partners LLC
84 Tosh Street
SE Kingston
Jamaica, Queens
Dear Person,
My name is Michael Student. I am a student like you once were. You may know me as “Young, the Rock,” because I have a wide following under that name. I attend College University and am majoring in Global Terrain and The Consequences.
I am applying for the position of Data Analyst Consultant Finance Excel Summer Intern at Finance Partners LLC, because I want to learn this summer, and I believe that this company will allow me to do so. As my role model once said, “you gotta get it and then to know it first.” The words he spoke inspire me to perform full tasks and produce excellent work product. You can bet that I will employ all of my skills to both analyze data, consult people, and excel on the job. Summer 2020, yes, here we come.
I could go on, but I feel the storm comin’. Just please know how much I will appreciate an internship at Finance Partners, and please, tell me if you need something.
As always,
Michael Last Name
Penguin via Bwog Archive
@Modeling Lady Noice! You are selected for the PowerPoint Excel Modeling Summer Intern! Congratulations!
@Modeling Lady Noice! You are selected for the Excel PowerPoint Modeling Summer Intern! Congratulations!
@Anonymous Noice!