This has been a semester of change, senselessness, and Zoom, yet despite the general madness of our times, this week, Bwog managed to love what is still here.
Bwog loved Bwog:
- Felt happy because joining Bwog is the best decision I’ve made all year
- Went to the final Bwog meeting
- Cried after
- Couldn’t stop smiling at the final Bwog meeting
- Cried a little about my love for Bwog
Bwog loved food:
- Learned that my favorite local restaurant is reopening for takeout
- Felt the most joy I’ve felt in weeks
- Made gnocchi from scratch B)
- Deep-fried something for the first time
- It was sesame chicken and it was DELICIOUS
- Baked my first cake!!! ever!!!!
- Cried real tears of joy
- Ate tacos in a parking lot with my best friend
- Got angry about the Democratic party
- Made cupcakes for my friend’s birthday and then delivered them to her
- Baked challah
Bwog loved our moms:
- Got turnt on vodka crans with my mom
- Watched as my mom bought my entire family matching pajamas and made us take photos in them as her Mother’s Day gift to herself
- Looked at pictures of my mom when she was my age
- Had the scary realization we look the exact same
- (She was cute so I’m not complaining)
- Celebrated Mother’s Day by hanging outside with my family
- Spent eight hours total baking for Mother’s Day
- Needless to say, I can make a tres leches cake now
- Drove twenty minutes to my grandma’s apartment building, stood outside with a giant “Happy Mother’s Day” sign that the wind tried and failed to rip
- Amused the neighbors and scared the doorman
Bwog loved being alive, for better or worse:
- Got reduced to genuine tears, not by the fact that my sister shaved half of her eyebrows off, but the fact that no one in my family noticed for a WEEK despite being together literally every waking hour of the day
- Spent more than an HOUR (60+ minutes) making a TikTok about what outfits I would wear if I were a cartoon character
- I’m turning 20 this year
- I am a grown woman
- I made a TikTok
- Cleaned my entire room—even washed my bedsheets!
- Had a surprise (socially distant) birthday party for my grandma on her beautiful lawn
- Went to the local farmers market
- Vibed with the farmers
- Used my three remaining brain cells to jump-start a car
- Slipped, fell, and sprained my wrist (thriving)
- Made out with my boyfriend in the sun on the lawn in front of Hartley
- Played tetherball against myself for an hour
- Screamed in my empty house when my parents went to Costco
- Genuinely contemplated egging my ex’s car
- Drove by and threw the socks he left at my house at his car instead
- Closed my window to stop literal snow from blowing inside
- Took several, nice long naps
- Realized I have so much to be thankful for
Pensive white lady in a stock photo via Pxfuel