Join Bwog as we settle into bed and sign off for the rest of 2020. See you next semester!

‘Twas the night after finals, when all through low beach,

Not a student was stirring, not even from SEAS;

Tree lights were hung on college walk so bright,

To soothe those who check SSOL filled with fright;

Prezbo slept nestled snug under his wads of cash,

While touch-starved students dreamt of when next they would smash;

JJs and Blue Java were closed for the season,

And Frankie Jonas hasn’t yet followed back Bwog… we don’t know the reason;

With classes done and next registration appointments distant,

It’s time to look back with glasses with a rose-colored tint;

From supermodel trustees to love that transcends species,

This semester has been eventful––we even tested how to make perfect grilled cheeses;

The year 2020 is almost over, and our posts go on pause today,

Bwog is signing off, and wishing you a happy holiday!

time to get cozy via Pixabay