Maybe if I rant to enough people about how many papers I have left to do, they will fully disappear.

Bwogline: Yesterday, former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin was pronounced guilty on all charges in the murder of George Floyd. He was charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter—and the typical sentence for the most serious charge is 12.5 years. However, the prosecution demanded a lengthier sentence for Chauvin on the grounds that he “abused his position of authority.” The judge will deliver Chauvin’s sentence in eight weeks. (NYT)

Study Tip: If you’re revising some really dense material and want to make sure it stays in your head, but don’t have the time to make detailed notes— divide the material into logical sections and take a short break after going through each section. After coming back from your break, take five minutes to run through the material you learned in your head and jot down only singular words and key terms that’ll trigger your brain to recall the whole concept.

Music of the Day: If you’ve just finished a really hectic final/day of studying/writing and want to settle back and wind down: listen to Sham by Amit Trivedi. The precise vibe of this song is a chill night with friends around a campfire, in the middle of an empty forest on a very, very starry night. You know what I mean.

Procrastination Tip: Tell yourself that the only way your brain is going to have the capacity to write that paper is if it takes a two-hour long afternoon nap. Let yourself go to sleep, and wake up four hours later—absolutely terrified and read to speed-write the 3000 words that you should’ve written three days ago.

Overseen/Overheard: Can the person who plays ‘Teenage Dream’ by Katy Perry out loud into the shaft every single night please, please close their window? Sincerely, A Morning Person Who Is Most Definitely Asleep By Eleven P.M.

Campfire of my dreams via Bwog Archives.