Hey Folks! Bwog had a wild and rough time this week. By rough I mean decently rough. Like very rough. Like exceedingly rough to the point that I am questioning the mental health of everyone who works at Bwog.

Bwog had fun while on illicit substances—or did we?:

  • Paid $13 for a small can of wine. It was not good
  • Took forever to climb down a fire escape because I have a fear of heights (it’s new) and also I was ~under the influence~
  • Had truly some of the grossest spiked cider ever at an Italian restaurant
  • Met and made friends with someone who was quite possibly the drunkest man I’ve ever seen while at a Madeon concert. He turned out to be a software engineer at Google. Two days after the concert he denied my friend’s LinkedIn connection

Bwog realized we are 20 something—which is good?:

  • Felt like a real NYC 20 something by saying fuck it let’s run away to the village… on a Monday night. Went and had sparkling wine with a 60 year old <3
  • Looked at my reflection on the glass at the airport terminal and, for perhaps the first time, realized I am an Adult Woman. A Grown Being wearing flared jeans. A 20 Something Year Old coming home.

Bwog did work?:

  • Did not get caught up on readings as I had planned
  • Did some readings; failed to do others
  • Did not do any work at all
  • Decided to study outside for the first time this semester. Sat down and immediately cut my finger on broken glass. Had to tie an old mask around my finger to stop the bleeding

Bwog was sad—very sad:

  • Nursed my breakup by crying to Ed Sheeran songs :(
  • Cried on the subway 
  • Cried in the Mathematics building 
  • Cried on the plane
  • Cried in front of a stranger bc I didn’t understand thermodynamics
  • Panicked about the impending doom of recruitment season
  • Walked down the street eating a box of lucky charms at 2 in the morning + felt low
  • Freaked out over my long distance relationship (it’s been two weeks)
    • Then got reassured about the relationship
    • Then freaked out again

sad vibes (AKA adele) via Wikimedia Commons