Bwog coped with the stress of the season about as well as you’d expect.

Some Bwoggers Were Surprisingly Studious:

  • Studied for my midterms and, you know what, those people in Severance are right… numbers are scary and probability theory is evil
  • Did a titration so well. It was the palest of pinks. I am a chem god
  • Tried to write a paper about a whole novel that is worth 35% of my grade in one-and-a-half days while simultaneously watching standup and attending many social events. Succeeded
  • Had an epiphany about the book I’m writing a paper about, exclaimed aloud, had to pace around, text everyone I know about it because—and I cannot emphasize this enough—I am such a nerd
  • Spent my entire Friday in Uris to give myself time to work on a midterm; strongly questioned if it was worth it

Some Bwoggers Found Time for Study Breaks:

  • Went to my friend’s lab to see his worms
  • Helped my friend put her g-string back on 
    • Helped my friend restring her guitar 
  • Went tf home for the weekend
  • Had a very nice email exchange with a British woman involved with my study abroad program. She spelled inquiry “enquiry”
  • Called my boyfriend and talked about fun things while the people across the hall were in an argument. Very “playing Just Dance during the 2008 Housing Crisis” vibes
  • Overheard a convo between two dudes in JJ’s that was better than any podcast I’ve listened to recently
  • Fought demons (Furnald cold water showers)

Other Bwoggers Procrastinated So Hard:

  • Did no schoolwork
    • Did not do assignmence
    • Watched three movies instead of writing a midterm paper
  • Made a prop vibrator out of papier-mâché. The joys of student theatre 
  • Did NOT fucking sleep
  • Ignored everything and built houses on The Sims
  • Watched L’Batman and took very shitty notes

Bwog Didn’t Let The Hectic Season Break Its Usual Routine:

  • Waited for a total of 40 minutes in three separate lines for JJ’s. Nearly perished of hunger. When I finally got my food and sat down, my favorite hair clip got caught on the chair and shattered. I am going to become the joker. 
  • Gave someone my number only for them not to text me all week. Normally I wouldn’t have cared, except that this person was hot. We need to pass a law against hot people
  • Pounded 20 ounces of Pilsner at Hex & Co. and became a menace to society 
  • Mixed vodka with milk and wine. Not good [Editor’s Note: …why?]
  • Decided my type is scruffy yet successful funnymen. I.e. early John Mulaney, Jason Sudeikis, Pete Davidson, Harry Styles with a mustache, Dacre Montgomery in Stranger Things….it’s an issue.

A test of some kind via Bwarchives