Tired of listening to “Monster Mash” on repeat at parties? Here’s literally anything else.

If you’re sick of every Halloween party playlist sounding like the soundtrack for the next Hotel Transylvania movie, you’re not alone. Here are some other songs that deserve some love this spooky season, instead of listening to “Thriller” for the umpteenth time (no hate though, we love that song). From the creepy to the campy, we have compiled this list of macabre music for you to blast at your next Halloweekend function (we dare one of you to try to pull up to a frat party and start blasting this on your phone). Grab your best slutty costume, some candy corn (yes, it’s an amazing candy), sit back, and enjoy!


Written by Staff Writers Emma Burris and Daniel Shneider.

Spooky Scary Skeleton via Bwarchives