This campus needs more holiday decor. Luckily, Morton Williams always delivers.
Ah, the college walk trees. The hallmark of the holiday season at Columbia. Featured in every sorority formal, LinkedIn profile photo, and relationship soft launch, they are a beautiful backdrop to all that happens on campus in the winter. And sure, they do bring some sparkle to campus. But alas! As all late-night Butler studiers know: the lights are turned off at night. Around 2 am each morning, our heart and soul is plunged into darkness. For the key wee hours of the morning, our campus rests drab and Christmas-decoration free.
Or… it would. If not for the tireless work of the 24-hour wonder that is Morton Williams.
It may be a rip-off grocery store and have only limited alcohol options. They may be a little too tough on fakes, and their deli food is sure to give you food poisoning. But dammit, they bring the holiday spirit.
A beautiful display greets you at the door. Elves with noses watch you shop. Elves with noses guard the cough drops. Elves on every cash register! Elves making out on the ATM. More elves (featuring a small tree!). Modelo elves make sure you’re making good choices. It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas! Who needs a tree? This sign flashes different colors. Beer wreath beer wreath.
Happy holidays everyone. And thank you, Morton Williams for being the backbone of campus in terms of decor.
All images via one tired Bwogger
@🧠 i see bwog is in great shape since i left 💀
@Anonymous miss you 😭😭
@Anonymous not the mowussy 😭😭