A poem to celebrate Bwog’s seventeenth birthday.

Bwog’s bwirthday is today,

bwoasted bwoggers near and far.

Bwless her bwirth with love and mirth,

for Bwog is a bwubbly star.

Bwoggers hosted a bwirthday bwash,

bwarely before the bwig day

Up in Lerner last night we all partied—

her bwash was anything bwut gray.

Bwoggers bwought bwlue bwallons,

bwearing some bwig news.

Bwog herself turned seventeen

as we danced to rhythm and bwlues.

Bwetween the editors’ bwountiful notes

and staffers’ new pitch anecdotes,

Bwoggers joined in tune to say:

Happy bwirth to you, Bwog, on this day.

Bwithday Bwog from the Bwarchives