Come to our first open meeting of the year and get all the details you need in order to properly Rush Bwog!!!

Ever wanted to write hard-hitting breaking news? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to review Columbia’s excellent arts and theater scene? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to attend and think critically about Columbia’s thought provoking events? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to celebrate the victories (or mourn the losses) of the Columbia Lions? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to interview famed professors, awardwinning journalists, Barnumbia Presidents, and more? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to taste food? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to rant? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to write scientifically for a generalized audience? Rush Bwog.

Ever wanted to do journalism, be mentored, and grow and develop your authorial voice without selling your soul? Rush Bwog.

Lerner 510. 9 pm. Tonight. You. Me. Bwog. Green grapes. It’s going down. Rush Bwog or be square. Applications to go live following the meeting.

Madonna and Child via Wikimedia Commons