Welcome back! There’s cold temperatures, there’s budget cuts, and there’s AI. Take one and pass it around.

Happening in the World: New data indicates that China’s birth rate fell for the second consecutive year in 2023. It was the second time the country’s birth rate fell since 1961. This was largely due to the comparative decrease in the number of births and a COVID-19 surge that caused several fatalities. Experts suggest that the low birth rate and increased death rate could have severe economic impact on the country in the future as youth unemployment has increased while worker wages have decreased. (Reuters)

Happening in the US: Similar to other parts of the US, the Pacific Northwest region is preparing for freezing rain following a storm over the weekend. The storm caused power outages and closures. Intense rain in the region brings the risk of trees falling and power lines going out. Portland’s public schools closed for Tuesday and Wednesday while officials implemented a state of emergency and kept 12 housing shelters open. (AP)

Happening in NYC: After recent backlash for budget cuts to libraries, education, and social services in NYC, Mayor Eric Adams released a new $109 billion budget that lessened cuts to these areas. Police, fire, and sanitation faced no budget cuts while education has $100 million in budget cuts. The city’s library supporters were shocked by past budget cuts that forced most of the city’s libraries to cut all weekend service; now, they are able to cover Saturdays but possibly not Sundays. Advocates have responded by pointing out that the cuts restored funding does not cover prior budget decreases. (Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: On Wednesday from 12 to 1:15 pm, SIPA’s Center for Global Energy Policy will host a discussion on how artificial intelligence could possibly decrease greenhouse gas emissions. David Sandalow, the author of the “Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation Roadmap,” will host the discussion. The event will be virtual, and registration is required.

Money, money, money via Bwog Archives.