Barnard College instituted a new “Policy for Safe Campus Demonstrations,” effective February 19. The policy details the protocol for scheduling and holding demonstrations on campus.

Barnard College announced a new “Policy for Safe Campus Demonstrations” in an email to students on Tuesday. The policy is effective as of Monday, February 19, and outlines the time, place, and manner of demonstrations that are permitted on campus, as well as provisions for the protection of demonstrators and potential consequences for failure to obey the policy. The full text of the email is included below. 

In the policy, Barnard defines a demonstration as “a group of people coming together in an event of public expression,” a term which includes vigils. The policy is exempt from the Barnard College Campus Events and Approval Policy and does not apply to events with a purpose other than public expression. 

The new policy aims to protect the right to demonstrations on campus while also promoting a “safe, respectful, and inclusive campus environment,” Executive Vice President for Strategy and Chief Administrative Officer Kelli Murray wrote in her email. Additionally, the “content-neutral” policy “protect[s] the right to engage in campus demonstrations as long as demonstrations are conducted safely and do not interfere with the rights of others to speak, study, teach, learn, work, and live [at Barnard].”

The email stated that the policy was developed through a “collaborative process” that included faculty, staff, and student groups. Barnard administration “also reviewed the demonstration policies of several peer institutions to inform [their] approach.”

Based on experience with the new policy during the remainder of the Spring 2024 semester, the College will revisit and review the language during the summer. They also plan to “continue to refine a mechanism for input and feedback from our community on this and future policies,” Murray wrote.

As part of its “Time, Place, and Manner” provisions, the policy recognizes Futter Field as the “Designated Demonstration Area.” Demonstrations must be contained within the field’s perimeter unless specific exemptions are granted for accessibility-related reasons.

Demonstrations may only occur between 2 pm and 6 pm between Monday and Friday when classes are in session. Organizers must follow proper registration protocols, submitting an Intent to Demonstrate to Events Management at least two working days before the event. “The College will use content-neutral criteria to confirm registration,” the policy states. Submitting an Intent to Demonstrate is restricted to Barnard students, faculty, staff, and Barnard-recognized student organizations. The policy states that approval will not be given if the demonstration’s date and time were previously advertised. The College aims to respond to an Intent to Demonstrate within one working day.

The policy also outlines an expedited approval process for counter-demonstrations, stating that organizers must submit an Intent to Demonstrate no later than 8 hours after the primary demonstration appears on the calendar and no fewer than 8 hours after the primary demonstration is scheduled to begin. Confirmed counter-demonstrations will also take place in the designated area with a physical division between the two groups. 

Participation at demonstrations is limited to CUID holders and gates may be closed during demonstrations to ensure no outside interference. In addition, noise amplifiers may not be used and demonstrators may not “make true threats, incite violence, use fighting words, or engage in unlawful harassment,” the policy states.

Demonstrations that do not follow the policy will be asked to stop their activity and may be asked to identify themselves. Refusal to cease demonstration or provide identification will result in removal from campus. Students in violation of the policy may also be subject to Student Conduct proceedings.

The policy also refers any student experiencing harassment for demonstrating to the Barnard Office of Nondiscrimination. 

Several exceptions are outlined in the policy as well. Barnard’s jurisdiction falls only within the College’s campus, although students participating in outside protests are still subject to the Code of Student Conduct. Employees seeking to participate in demonstrations outside the National Labor Relations Act must seek an excused absence from their employer. 

Email from Executive Vice President for Strategy and Chief Administrative Officer Kelli Murray to Barnard students on February 20, 2024 at 5:28 pm.

Dear Members of the Barnard Community,

I write to share a new Policy for Safe Campus Demonstrations, which is now on our internal portal, home to all policies, and our external policies page. This policy is intended to protect the right to engage in campus demonstrations and ensure that demonstrations are conducted safely and do not interfere with the rights of others to speak, study, teach, learn, work, and live on our four-acre campus. Our small campus is not simply a place of learning and work; it is also a home for most of our students. With that in mind, it is our hope that this policy helps uphold our commitment to the freedom of expression while also ensuring that we promote a safe, respectful, and inclusive campus environment.

Arriving at this policy was a collaborative process; the College’s senior leadership committee worked with and reflected the viewpoints of many constituencies across campus, including faculty, staff, and student groups. We also reviewed the demonstration policies of several peer institutions to inform our approach. 

The College will review this policy during the summer of 2024 based on experience during the spring semester of 2024. We will also continue to refine a mechanism for input and feedback from our community on this and future policies.


Kelli Murray

Executive Vice President for Strategy and Chief Administrative Officer

Image via Bwarchives