Selection is looking slimmer, but at least there are still places to live.

As the 123 lottery continues, more and more ideal rooms are being snatched up. If you are still fighting in the Barnard lottery war, I salute your bravery. Do not fear, though. There are still plenty of rooms available, so at least you will have a home somewhere.

What’s gone:

  • Singles in every building
  • 121 doubles

What’s scarce:

  • 6 CG doubles
  • 1 Hewitt double
  • 4 Sulz Tower doubles
  • 7 110 triples

What’s left:

  • 17 110 doubles
  • 13 600 doubles
  • 11 616 doubles
  • 14 620 doubles
  • 20 Plimpton doubles
  • 15 Elliot doubles

101 doubles and 7 triples remaining.

Best of luck soldiers.

Elliot Hall via Bwarchives