Do you really need AC with this view?

Location: Barnard quad, 3009 Broadway

Nearby Dorms: Sulzberger Hall, Brooks Hall, Hewitt Hall

Nearby Dining Hall: Hewitt Dining Hall

Nearby Stores/Restaurants: Hooda Halal Cart, Shake Shack, Pret, Morton Williams, and all other restaurants/stores near Columbia on Broadway

Cost for 2023-2024: $12,438


  • Bathrooms: Each floor has bathrooms with 3 showers and 3 bathroom stalls. These bathrooms are cleaned by facilities every day and range from being gender-neutral to women-only depending on the floor. Full access to other quad bathrooms.
  • AC/Heating: There is seasonal heating in the winter and no AC in Reid.
  • Kitchen: There is a small kitchenette in the Sulzberger lounge on each floor with a stove, sink, and microwave.
  • Lounge: The lounge on each floor is accessible from Reid in Sulzberger Hall. There is a TV, living room, table, and kitchenette in each lounge.
  • Laundry: There is laundry on each floor, usually one washer and two dryers.
  • Computers/Printing: There are two computer lounges with two PawPrint printers each in the basement of the quad.
  • Elevators: Access to both Sulzberger and Brooks elevators.

Room Variety: All corridor-style double rooms with one RA per floor. Room views vary from Broadway, the quad, and 116th street.

Bwog Recommendation:

Reid is a great place to live during your first year at Barnard! Located right in the quad, it is super convenient to get to class which allows for that few extra minutes of sleep before 8:40 classes. The view from Broadway-facing rooms is beautiful as it looks right over the Columbia campus and surrounding area. Reid has completely black-out blinds on the windows, warm-toned wood furniture, linoleum floors, and built-in closets in each room. Though there is no AC (which is not unique to Reid), this bwogger believes Reid is a very cozy and cute place to live (especially in the cooler months).

Resident opinions:

  • “Living in Reid is really great! I have an amazing view of the street and my room is big and has lots of natural light.”
  • “No AC, but that doesn’t really matter for most of the year and usually a fan is adequate!”
  • “Living in Reid gives you an excellent view of Broadway and Columbia’s campus and is a pretty decent sized space.”
Half of a Reid Double
Reid Hall Floor 8
Reid Hall Bathroom
Reid Hall Showers

All photos via Bwog Staff