Get your Gatorade!

Name, School, Major Hometown: Skye, Barnard, English/Creative Writing, Austin, TX

Claim to fame: One time, this club sent out an email about having a party with “Gatorade shots” and I wasn’t sure whether or not that was code for real shots, so I brought Gatorade just to be safe and I was the only person who didn’t bring liquor… Henceforth I was “Gatorade girl.” Also, I was co-EIC of 4×4.

Where are you going? To the deli across the street to get coffee. I try to go on Tuesdays because the guy who works then once gave me a pair of pink socks, but the guy who works on Monday and Wednesday charges me 50 cents more than my Tuesday guy, which is upsetting. But more broadly, I’m staying in New York… I’d really like to be by a park I think. 

What are three things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2028?

  1. Don’t pay attention to class prerequisites.
  2. Living off campus can be really fun, but it can also make you feel a bit removed from the school community sometimes. I’d say if you want to live off campus you should do it! But maybe not before your junior or senior year… 
  3. Go to Morningside Park a lot. Especially during finals. Sit on the grass by 113th!

“Back in my day…” No Duo Security. 

Favorite Columbia lore? Secret room of ADP.

What was your favorite class at Columbia?

  • Art of the Essay with Alexandra Watson
  • Fiction and Personal Narrative with Elif Batuman
  • Shakespeare I with James Shapiro
  • Creative Writing Senior Project with Ken Chen

Whom would you like to thank? Definitely Claudia from Liz’s Place! All my professors, all my friends, all the lovely magazines I got to work with over the years. My freshman year roommates. My parents. And Lexie, of course.

One thing to do before graduating: Study abroad! People worry about it harming their school relationships, but your friends will be waiting for you when you get back. Also—take James Shapiro’s Shakespeare class! He’s only teaching for a few more years.

Any regrets? Maybe more exciting spring breaks. Or not applying for grants and whatnot because I didn’t think I’d get them—apply for everything you’re interested in, even if it feels far-fetched!

Skye via Skye